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Professionally trained in naturopathy, Kishori Aird as all medical-intuitive practitioners has her own approach to read the person's symptoms and “blockages” and restore  vital energy. During her consultations, she uses a variety of techniques, including kinesiology and DNA reprogramming.

Mrs. Aird has a long spiritual history, beginning with living in an ashram at age 18. When she was 20, she began her studies in nursing with the hopes of becoming a midwife. With a change in plans, she decided to start her own family at age 25. During this time, she moved to Ottawa, where she worked at l’Arche Jean Vanier, a home for mentally challenged persons. In 1986, she returned to Montreal and sought training in variousf fields of healing, including hypnotherapy. Since 1987, she completed her training as a health professional by studying disciplines based on naturopathic and emotional therapies. She has also studied tantric practices, and is a Reiki master.


In 1990, Kishori was initiated to kinesiology on the west coast of the United States. She has since perfected this technique by collaborating with naturopaths and chiropractors

In 1993, she opened her own clinic and started working with clients as a professional medical intuitive. Since 1994, she has been giving courses on how to use kinesiology and the art of developing one's own medical intuition. Since the summer of 1997, she has been doing research on DNA including how to reprogram it and own it. She then developed reprogramming techniques, which she currently teaches. 


Reprogramming DNA has lead her to  discovery  our own unique essential vibrational frequency.  After publishing the book ESSENCE in 2005, she retired from private practice and dedicated herself exclusively to writing and teaching.  Reprogramming DNA, understanding  and anchoring ESSENCE have become her main focus. 


Her pursuit for the dynamic of Zero point is the root for her visionary approach and  mystical exploration.


To contact Kishori:





